
Locking Jaw Grip Pliers

Self Adjusting Locking Jaw Pliers

from Whiteford Tools

Only $19.95 plus $7.95 Shipping
To Order Call: 1.800.343.9352
SAL Vice Auto Locking Pliers are a fabulous locking jaw pliers tool for all your home/auto repair projects! 

Operating Instructions for Locking Jaw Pliers: Open the jaws of the Self Adjusting Locking (SAL) Jaw Pliers. Engage the lock / release switch (located on the bridge of the SAL Vice Auto Locking Pliers) by sliding it to the LOCK position as indicated on the switch. With no prior adjustment, the SAL Pliers automatically adjusts to the size of the object which you are going to tighten (or loosen).

Lightly squeeze the jaws of the SAL Locking Jaw Pliers around the object (torsional reinforcement prevents jaws from aligning improperly or twisting when jaws are engaging an object.)

Turn pressure knob on the Locking Jaw Pliers - with 1/2 turn of the knob, the SAL Pliers grip is increased by upto 400% to hold the object securely until it is released.
After your object has been sufficiently loosened / tightened, unlock the SAL Pliers from the object with a reverse turn of the pressure dial knob, then slide the lock / release switch to the "Release" position.

Lightly squeeze the handles of the Locking Jaw Pliers and the SAL Vice Auto Locking Pliers will be free from the object!

Locking Jaw Pliers are a great gift for yourself or anyone in your family! Get one for every home, car, boat and always have the comfort of knowing that you can turn everything with ease!

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